You cleared the interview and now lies the anticipation of what lies ahead—your first day at work.

You’ve come a long way! Remember how you aced that job application, went on to rock that interview process and finally accepted the job offer? Good going, you!

Regardless of what you hear, your first day at the new job will be exciting. You’ll be meeting new people, understanding the trade of work, and knowing how everything fits into place. It might be overwhelming to absorb so much in the same day, and still put your best foot forward. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to the office and you’ll be adulting to glory.

Now that you’re almost there, let’s get you prepared for that first day at work. (Trust us, it’ll be memorable!)


#1. Starting the day, the right way

First day at work

We know what you’re thinking, gotta get up early and hustle. Yes, and no.

Your first day on your new job is the most critical one. Unless you really can’t make it, don’t bet on your track record of getting out and ready in 10 mins. Instead of snoozing the alarm for the 5th time, set the alarm to wake you up 15 mins earlier. Probably try an upbeat song or a favorite track to grace your morning, always helps to wake up happy and fresh. If you have a dress code, don’t forget to follow it. If it’s casual, remember to dress conservatively and look presentable. You don’t want someone to remember you for your fluorescent-bright shirts and weirdly snug tights.

Don’t forget to organize and keep everything ready the night before, so you don’t have to panic and rush.


#2. Braving the odds

If every morning were bright, happy and sunny; we’d never complain!

Even if you woke up late and still managed to make up for that time, there could be other factors that could ruin your day. Remember to factor in traffic, unexpected detours or delays that can make you late on your first day at work.

It’s always a good idea to check for traffic and alternate routes to avoid traffic or detours before you head out for work. Besides, this will also give you some time to make some healthy breakfast, commute easier and settle down at work without breaking a sweat.


#3. Office-office

First day at work“I love inside jokes. Love to be a part of one someday.”

You don’t have to be like Michael Scott from ‘The Office’. Remember to always maintain a decent decorum of conduct and behavior at all times. While it might seem a bit extreme, let’s not forget about our office etiquettes and keeping-it-appropriate.

Keeping your phone on loud to ‘Taki-Taki’, constant picture-snapping, playing games or talking for hours on the phone is off-limits. There’s nothing wrong with doing a wee bit of personal stuff at work but it’s always a good idea to keep it to a minimum. You don’t want to be caught in an awkward situation with your manager before you have a chance to prove your mettle.


#4. The office and you

Starts with a ‘Hello’ and a smile!

Now is the time to be the social butterfly that you’ve always wanted to be. If you identify yourself as an introvert, there’s no better opportunity to break free and reach out to people. Say hello, drop in that contagious smile, introduce yourself and remember to memorize their names (always helps).

Take full advantage of the holy grail of office bonding—lunchtime. There’s no better way to share stories than over good food. Plus, this is a great way for your colleagues to know that you’re amicable and approachable. Go beyond small talk, understand how they contribute to the company, and maybe you’ll find your first work buddy too.


#5. Wrapping it up, with a cherry on top!

The final sigh of relief.

Congratulations! You’re almost there. You got through a whole day but there’s more. Regardless of the work timings, stay a little longer. Try to finish your onboarding process, complete any pending paperwork and make a note of the things you need for the next day. It always pays to be efficient with time!

And when it’s finally time to head home, don’t forget to kick back your feet on a cozy sofa and remember to relax, breathe and know that you did a great job!

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Last Update: April 17, 2019

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