As you’ll soon realize, being independent isn’t as easy as you thought it’d be!

Ask any Indian man in his early twenties and he’ll tell you that renting his first apartment was a milestone in many ways. The independence, the privacy, and the freedom you finally receive comes at a price, though. Apart from being incredibly stressful, renting an apartment can burn holes in your bank account if you’re not careful.

So, as a young adult trying to find his way, what must you keep in mind?

For starters, know you have enough in the bank — and more — to cover the costs. This includes your rent, your deposit, bills for the first couple of months, things you need to buy for the apartment, and other miscellaneous expenses.

Once you have that covered, try and get a flatmate — it splits all your costs in half. If possible, and move in with someone you’re familiar with, because an unhealthy relationship with an annoying stranger is the last thing you need!


Secondly, as a young bachelor, there will be tons of prejudices against you. The field you work in, the company you keep, and your smoking/drinking/eating/general-breathing-and-surviving habits will be up for scrutiny. So instead of facing the ignominy of being evicted for having gobbled a beef burger, speak to your landlord before signing the lease, and ask them to lay downs the laws of their land. Similarly, read and reread the lease multiple times — you don’t want any surprises midway through your stay!



When it comes to furnishing your apartment, never buy your furniture — subscribe to renting instead. Furniture is expensive to buy and depreciates heavily — that’s just fact.  And when you do end up moving homes, it costs all the more to move your belongings and essentials around. With additional services like free delivery, installation, and maintenance, renting from Rentomojo will save you a lot of headaches and hassles — and it’s a significantly cheaper alternative too!

Apart from that, learn to respect the apartment itself, and your neighbours too. The apartment doesn’t clean itself — and if you’re lazy or simply incapable of maintaining hygienic conditions, seek professional help. If your house resembles a sty, you’re culpable. Similarly, if your drunk friends create a ruckus at 3 am outside your apartment, you’re responsible for that too. The goal, at the end of the day, is to make a temporary home, yet stay there for as long as possible. Don’t let silly shenanigans mess that up!


Hope that helped, and if it did, know that we have a lot more exciting posts coming up. Until then, follow us on

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Categorized in:

Lifestyle, Money Matters,

Last Update: May 16, 2018