You’ve had a long tiring week and you can’t wait to unwind. Right? Well, guess what? We’re telling you the perfect way to relax and stretch your feet out.

1. Host the most awesome house party


What’s better than calling over a bunch of your best mates and making the Friday night lit AF? Seriously, just order some pizzas, pick a case or two of beers and kick it back on the couch with some chill music. In case you don’t have the right couch, check this one out from our living room collection. Psst…. it’s only 500 bucks a month!


2. Give good ol’ board games a shot!


Remember Monopoly and Snakes and Ladders? The nostalgia of these super fun board games can easily be revisited with this simple setup. You can either rent the coffee table seen above and make the most of your drink, dine and game night, or just go au naturel on the floor!


3. Friday night Karaokes are always a good idea!


Drunk and tone-deaf get along rather well. Especially if you’ve had something to intoxicate yourself with. Either get yourself a karaoke kit on rent, or just playback some rockin lyrics on your laptop and watch everyone cringe 😛


4. The game is afoot!


Nothing like plonking down on a bean bag and losing your worries to the world of virtual reality! Our personal favorite these days is Battle Sails and FIFA. There’s something oddly therapeutic about angrily fighting it out with your closest friends on the screen. You can check out the large screen LED TVs we provide for optimal game-play experience or just turn to your trusted LAN party format.


5. Movies on a Friday night? You don’t say!


This one’s a classic, y’all. Grab the tub of buttery pop corn and switch on your favorite movie. With Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hotstar, you shouldn’t have a tough time finding ANYTHING at all.

And there it was. Our top picks of how to make the most of your weekend with these Friday night ideas.

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Last Update: May 16, 2018