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Lucky enough to own a home with a balcony? Here’s how you can design and decorate to its full potential

First things first: Let’s establish the fact that owning a house with a balcony is a luxury. Be it a small extension or a mini-terrace, that extra space could come in handy in more ways than you can imagine. While most people take it for granted and use it a storage area (or worse, install an ugly swing that takes up most of the space), we’re here to tell you that, if done right, your balcony holds the potential to be so much more. Here are four ideas that should help you make the most of that blissful balcony space.

It Could Be Your Own Backyard

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Being Indians, we’re used to living in an apartment all our lives — which means, having our own backyard is never more than a pipe dream. However, if you have a decent sized balcony, with a little bit of effort (and some moolah), there’s no reason why you cannot have one.

A great way to go about it is by covering the floor with a carpet made out of artificial grass, adding some chairs, and decorating it with large potted plants. If you’re adventurous enough, you can go one step ahead and add a hammock right on the balcony. Be careful and make sure it’s below your railing, though — you don’t want to have a rush of adrenaline and fall four stories to an untimely death!

A Small Garden Is Never A Bad Idea

For the nature lover, a balcony offers a great opportunity to build your own indoor garden from scratch. Apart from growing large potted plants, you could also hang small planters or grow creepers, and ensure that there’s more greenery and freshness in your life.

Transform It Into An Additional Snug Room

First, ensure you don’t have creepy prying neighbours. Once the coast is clear, there’s nothing like transforming your balcony into an extra comfortable room. For starters, add rugs, throw pillows, mattresses, and chairs into the equation and that’s a great start. If you don’t own any, you could always rent some, as Rentomojo has great picks that should tickle your fancy. All you need now is some lamps, a great book, and a glass of wine, and voila! The transformation is complete!

If You’re A Foodie, Just Find An Excuse To Dine In The Open!


A nice round table. Two chairs. Fairy lights, a candle, soft music, and that subtle whiff of nosh. It’s amazing how little you require to convert your balcony into an incredibly romantic setting for a perfect date night at home. Furthermore, if you have friends over, you could always install a grill, put on your chef’s hat, and have a crazy barbeque party well into the night!

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Last Update: May 16, 2018