Is your idea of decor deemed outlandish? Eccentric? Peculiar? Well, go for it!


Moving into a new home isn’t a doddle. Apart from dealing with the hassles, one also has to make the most of the available space and design the place in a manner where it’ll be warm and welcoming. But does that mean you have to play it safe and conform to the traditional (read: boring) idea of interior designing? If you, like us, believe the answer is no, here are seven tips that should help you set up your home within a budget.

  1. For starters, mastering the art of repurposing will do you a world of good. A shoe rack can easily become a bookshelf, while a study desk can be easily transformed into a dressing table. With a bit of creativity, repurposing will not just look great, but also be a quick fix to all your woes.


  1. Wall Decor doesn’t have to be flamboyant or ostentatious. If you want to cover your naked walls (or hide the peeling paint and cracks) stuff like photos of your family and friends, plates, masks, or minimalistic prints should work wonders.If you’re willing to sacrifice a whole side, even a whiteboard could be a creative way to go about it.


  1. If you do want to indulge in a bit of flamboyance, plastering your walls with artwork should do the trick. Of course you can’t afford a Van Gogh, so ask a few talented friends for paintings — or better yet, support their craft and skill by buying it from them for a reasonable price.

Ben & Cat Photoshoot

  1.  Repurposing and making do with what you can afford is a great quirk in itself. For example, if you have a couch, and live in a studio, do you really need to get a bed? Even if you can’t afford it and need one, you can always rent it — Rentomojo has a number of options you can pick from. 
  1. Your floor, too, can contribute and make your home look prettier. Rugs, Turkish runners, carpets, can be strategically placed under a centre table or around the hallway to produce the desired effect.

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  1. Bookshelves, or shelves in general, don’t have to be crammed with books. Instead, you can use some of that space to express yourself as a person. For example, if you love superheroes, you can use a portion of the shelf to place some action figures or bobbleheads of your favourite Marvel or DC characters — it’ll scream ‘you’ and is bound to look great!


  1. Lastly, don’t be afraid to break the rules. Want to paint your walls with different colours? If you think it’ll look great, do it. Hang interior curtains, or place your bed in your living room. What we’re trying to say is, don’t conform to the traditional ideas — it’s your space, and you have to live there every day. Do it up in a manner which reflects, well, ‘you’ — no matter how quirky or eccentric it’s deemed — and you’re bound to be happier!


Do you have any ideas you would like to share with us? Tell us

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Last Update: December 5, 2023