Seven seasons of betrayal, love, lust, war, and gore over one weekend? Bring it on!

The most popular, most loved show on the planet, Game Of Thrones is now seven seasons old. With mind-boggling plot twists and equally mesmerising characters, binge-watching is the norm for many ardent fans of the series. However, as the hackneyed adage goes, the more the merrier — so why do it alone?

If you’re planning on indulging in a Game Of Thrones marathon, the best way to do is with a few fellow fanatical friends. If you’re not sure how to go about it, here a few tips that might be of some help.

Make It A Themed Event


A well-planned, well-organised GoT themed weekend should have everything — people dressed up as their favourite characters, GoT themed food, and even GoT based games. While the episodes play in the background, the marathon could turn into a full-fledged party — which will only amplify the fun.

Go Big Or Go Home

Or, you know, go big at home. Make the weekend bash a special occasion by inviting your fellow GoT fanatics. Then, rent a projector and some speakers and plug your laptop in (if you watch game of thrones ‘online’, that is), and watch the magic unfold right before your very eyes.

If you don’t want to splurge on a projector, though, you could just settle for a bigger TV, which is easily available on Rentomojo.

Invite A Few Noobs


As fun as it’ll be to watch a marathon with hardcore GoT fans, inviting a few first-timers would definitely be a wise idea. Given the absolutely mind-boggling plot twists in the show, their shocked faces and traumatised reactions are bound to be extremely amusing and will make the marathon a lot more entertaining.

However, You’re Going To Need A Bigger Boat

Inviting those many people over will lead to a few accommodation issues, though. Resources are bound to be limited – so make sure you’re well prepared. You’ll need an extra couch, a few chairs, and a few more tables at the very least.

Buying them outright for a weekend wouldn’t make sense, but as mentioned earlier, Rentomojo does have a pretty decent collection of furniture rentals available at more than reasonable rates.

Lastly, Make Sure It’s A Spoiler Free Weekend!


Don’t be that person who rains on everyone’s parade — especially for those who’re popping their GoT virginity. Keep the spoilers at bay, and just enjoy what promises to be an absolutely spectacular weekend!

How would you host your GoT marathon? Tell us by commenting below!

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Last Update: December 5, 2023