Home decor ideas and hacks to help you build a comfortable abode in Bengaluru

India’s IT hub, a melting pot of various cultures, and of course, the famed year-round near-perfect weather. Moving to Bangalore might have perks aplenty, but being one of the top metropolitan cities, it’s still going to be heavy on the pocket. So while you huff and puff to make ends meet, decorating your space might take a back seat — but we’re here to show you a way around it. If you have Rs. 5000 to spare, here are five tips that should help you transform your house into a home.

Re-purpose And Make The Most Of What You Have

If you’re a creative soul, this should be right up your alley. A simple curtain, for example, could work as a make-believe wall or a separator. Or better yet, throw a mattress on a low flat desk or a large center table, push it against a wall, add some throw pillows, and you have a comfortable little re-purposed sofa for two. Point is, if you apply your mind, re-purposing isn’t half as difficult as it seems.

Head To The Local Markets

There is no denying that furniture and decor are usually expensive, but not if you know where to look. Bangalore, thankfully enough, has an array of both local and flea markets that sell products at more than affordable rates. National Market and Avenue Road, for example, will surprise you with a hoard of cheap options. Chickpet market is another great pick, but make sure you tag a local along. The sellers there are known to drive a hard bargain!

Understand The Benefits Of Renting

Riddle us this: if you move temporarily to another city, would you buy a house for a mere few months? Renting furniture works exactly on the same principle. Rentomojo not only allows you to decorate your space the way you want to, but the rates are extremely affordable too. Furthermore, services like delivery and installation are completely free. What’s not to love?

DIY Helps — Always!

In a country with readily available cheap labour, we’ve never really had to get our hands dirty. DIY not only helps you create your own furniture and decor, but it’s also a potentially incredible hobby that’ll come in handy for years to follow. And oh, as this video demonstrates, it’s rather inexpensive and easy too!


Never say Never

Swallow your ego, and look for second hand, upcycled furniture to do wonders. As mentioned earlier, even if you have a hand-me-down table that’s of really good quality, it can be re-purposed to suit your needs with minimal effort. Second hand furniture and decor is a great way to fill up the empty nooks and make the house more warm and snug. Once your lease ends, you can simply return it, or discard it yourself. What’s there to lose?

Got any more hacks and tips to make it easy in a new house? Share them with us in the comments below!

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Last Update: December 5, 2023